Awards for Hip-Tep and MOL


The Hip-Tep Association from Aiud and MOL Romania were awarded by the National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania.

The Association for therapeutic riding from Alba county received one of the special prizes of the competition for social responsibility. Their one year program entitled “A Chance for the Little Rider” was developed with the grant they received through the MOL Children’s Health Program in 2013 and was conceived to offer help for children with disabilities.

MOL Romania was presented an award for the Children’s Health Program itself, started in 2009 and run yearly since then. It received the distinction for sustainability, as a program that offers long term solutions for social problems.

The CNIPMMR CSR Awards competition was held in Romania for the first time. It rewards social responsibility projects (CSR) that offer sustainable and innovative solutions for economic, social or environmental problems that concern local communities or the business domain of this country.