Cello concert at the press conference

MOL has continued the sponsoring of the ‘Pot ajuta?’ [May I Help?] talent supporting programme, in spite of the difficult economic situation, because it considers that the aiding of young people is, in fact, an investment in the future which will lead to results. Zsolt Szalay, Country Chairman of Mol Romania talked about this in Cluj, at the press conference organized to present the ‘Pot ajuta? - 2009’ programme.

The programme was outlined by Arpad Gazda, Chairman of the Community Foundation. Marius Tabacu, head of the Transylvania Philharmonic from Cluj - Napoca, trustee of the Foundation, considered the programme adequate because - as he said – we are losing musicians of the size of Mozart every year because they haven‘t got chances to develop their talent. The coach of the ‘Vointa’ karate club, Monica Ferenczi, showed the fact that the sportsmen / women of this club have brought home four gold, two silver and five bronze medals in the past three years from such European and world contests that they wouldn’t have had the chance to attend without the money received through the ‘Pot ajuta?’ programme.

Reka Adorjani performed a short cello concert on the instrument she managed to buy with the support obtained through the programme last year.