Health asks for a chance!


The Community Foundation as organizer and MOL Romania as sponsor have presented the ‘May I help?’ Child Healing Program for the first time in a media event. The organizers did their best to show a part of such a program, not only talk about emotional and art therapy, for which they assure application resources.

Thus, they invited the journalists to the School for Deaf and Dumb Children nr. 2, where the children from kindergarten and elementary school were entertained by the clown of the Flip Flop association.

Zsolt Szalay, managing director of MOL Romania, underlined in his speech that with the assuming of  social responsibility of the association the ’May I help?’ program is widened. The question does not only refer to talented children in sports or art but also to those suffering of illnesses or living with a handicap.
Erzsébet Wolf, principal of the host school, said that the institution can obtain extra money through its civilian connections, which are in the benefit of the pupils of the school.

Shajjad Rizvi, director of the Little People organization, emphasized the difficult financial situation in which they have managed to organize emotional therapy programs so far in 7 hospitals for children from the country.

Árpád Gazda, chairman of the Community Foundation tried to demonstrate with the story of Csilla Szabó, singer of the band Bojtorján, that the emotional and art therapy complete the medical treatment and, in many cases, they result in extraordinary effects. As he said, a boy who had been in coma in a hospital in Budapest, regained consciousness when Csilla Szabó was singing at his bed. 

The chairman of the Foundation said that when they announced the talent supporting program in spring with the motto ‘Talent asks for a chance!’ they were asking for media support. Now, he thinks that the suitable slogan is ‘Health asks for a chance!’.