Sword Gold Medal for Zsuzsa Schlier


The athlete from Târgu Mureş, Zsuzsa Schlier won the sword national championship organized for young promises.

The competition took place in mid-october at the Ghencea Fencing Hall in Bucharest, gathering 48 athletes at the female individual sword championship. The semifinals were won by Zsuzsa Schlier (Târgu Mureş) and Bianca Benea (Oradea) to Amarillisz Pallai (Satu Mare) and Denisa Barosan (Bucureşti) (11-3 şi 15-5). The finals were tighter, Zsuzsa Schlier winning only by a single point to Bianca Benea (8-7). Both athletes received financial aid through the MOL 2014 Talents Program.

Source: http://frscrima.ro/zsuzsa-schlier-css-targu-mures-a-castigat-campionatul-national-de-spada-sperante-proba-feminina-la-individual/