The musicians are the great winners


The art jury of the talent supporting program ‘May I help?’ – MOL- has found the dossiers of the musicians the most valuable.

The staff including Erich Türk, Daniel Goiţi, Zsuzsa Selyem, Timotei Nădăşan found 26 applications worth supporting. Most of these had arrived from young musicians. Still, there are among the chosen ones groups of actors, artists or ballet dancers. ‘This year there were many good applicants’, said Erich Türk, pianist, chairman of the jury. 59 applications were analyzed by the jury of the 81 handed in.

Most of the part of the 22 annulled applications did not answer the announcement because the applicant was 18 before the communication of the program. There were incomplete files, too. 

The decisions of the jury will be published after the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Community Foundation until July 31, on the websites and