July 30, 2009
MOL Romania and the Community Foundation has announced the winners of the ’May I help?’ program of 2009. Among the winners there is Anamaria Tămârjan, member of the Romanian representative women gymnastics team which got a bronze medal at the Olympiad from Beijing, Vasile Alexandru Ghilea, tennisman,, who was top of the list of his age – group in 2008 and Bernadett Bálint, the best of her age – group in table – tennis in Europe. The list of the winners includes that of the violinist Francesco Ionascu, who has won prizes in several national and international competitions.
The young sportsmen and artists have got a support of 60,000Eu. From this sum of money, the 40,000 Eu alloted to the sports, the beneficiaries are 74 winners, who are coming from 20 counties. The most of them have obtained results in the fighting sports (martial arts, karate, judo), but the number of the swimmers, athletes is also significant.
The territorial list is led by the sportsmen from Bucharest but many of them from Hunedoara, Satu – Mare, Arad or Prahova could also be happy when the results were published. The 20, 000 Eu alloted to young artists is divided among 26 winners, the highest number being that of musicians, but art, theatre and ballet applications also get support.
’MOL takes an active part in the life of the community. We stand up for those young sportsmen and artists, who want to develop their performances. We encourage them in their evelopment and we are always glad when the young people whom we support get on top of the European ranking list in their age – group or they perform on concerts of well – known orchestras. We are investing in the future with the support of the younger generation.’ - declared Zsolt Szalay, coutry chairman of MOL Romania.
For the first time in 2009, a young sportsman, who managed to be on the list of the winners, has obtained remarkable results in table – tennis competitions for people with deficiencies. ’I am very glad that through Vlad Alexandru Bordea we could send a positive sign to this social group, too.In my opinion, the effort of young people with deficiencies is not less than the effort of the other winners’ – declared Árpád Gazda, chairman of the Community Foundation.
The talent seeking program of the MOL has had a great success this year, too: the organizers have registered more than 300 applications from 29 counties of the country, from the different fields of sports and art. The list of winners was drawn up by two juries of specialists, the sports jury was led by athlete Violeta Beclea – Szekely, the sports jury by pianist Erich Türk. The list of winners can be seen on the websites www.pentrucomunitate.ro and www.molromania.ro.
The ’May I help?’ program is the regional social responsibility program of the MOL – group, it has been going on in Hungary since 2005, in Slovakia since 2007 and in Romania since 2006. In the three countries more than 2,100 people got to a support of more than 800,000 Eu.
Mol Plc is the biggest integrated oil and gas company from central and eastern Europe, its centre is Budapest. The Mol group carries on its activity in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the CSI countries. With more than 33,000 employees, MOL owns 1,500 petrol stations in central and south – east Europe. At present, the MOL Romania has 135 petrol stations.
The Community Foundation is a non – profit organization which was established in 2008 in Cluj – Napoca and which supports cultural, educational, social, sport and community activities. The Foundation puts a special stress on those programs, which are carried out through central and eastern European partnerships.